SRS Letter – Coronavirus | 24 March 2020

Dear Parents /Carers, In line with government advice the school remains closed to all but the children of key-workers. We expect this situation to continue into the foreseeable future. We are running a skeleton staff for the children of key workers who do not have alternative childcare provision and are working to keep the telephone lines open to be able to answer any of your queries or concerns. The digital TEAMs that we have established to try and keep our young people learning appears to be working well. Both staff and students alike have adapted well to teaching and learning in a new format. Please encourage your son/daughter to use the platform and develop a daily routine of school work. Should you son/daughter need any support in accessing and operating the TEAM platform please do not hesitate to contact the school. May I remind you that: • The primary point of contact is Mr Jacob • The secondary point of contact is Ms Abankwah • The 16+ point of contact is Ms Dryden We are working closely with our caterers, Aspens, to provide for our students who are entitled to a Free School Meal. These students are welcomed on the primary and secondary site at the times below to collect either a daily hot meal or a weekly food basket with food that can be prepared at home. Students will need to use the biometric system to access this provision. On the secondary site entry is via the entrance to Kingsley block opposite the sports cages. Should they be unwell or in self-isolation the basket can be picked up for them by a nominated person provided that the school has been informed in advance by phone or e-mail. The times for each year group are as follows: Primary students: 11.30am – 12pm Years 7-9: 12-12.30pm Years 10-13: 12.30-1pm I will do my best to keep you updated as further guidance is released by government. Please keep referring to the school’s website as we are in fast-changing times. I hope you and all your family remain well. This period of self-isolation and social distancing is challenging for us all but I hope that if we all play our part and follow what is asked of us then normality will return sooner rather than later. Yours sincerely Janis DaviesPrincipal